Important Information for Our Clients!

Dear clients, we would like to inform you that our company, AXEN s.r.o., does not facilitate investments in equity shares. Should you encounter any offers of this type under our name, please exercise caution as they are not initiated by us. For any inquiries or verification of information, do not hesitate to contact us through the official channels on our website.

Thank you for your trust and cooperation.
Team AXEN s.r.o.


About us

The company AXEN s.r.o. is dedicated to:

Our company generally focuses on creating, evaluating and managing business opportunities in energy savings for our customers.

We help customers identify energy saving options with the aim of saving operating costs, reducing CO2 emissions, gradual decarbonisation, fulfilling legislative requirements and improving the "ESG rating". After the initial analysis, we propose possible solutions, then together with the customer, we select options to optimizme a company‘s energy usage, for which we create project documentation and subsequently check the fulfillment of the project's goals by the implementation company.

We bring to our customers our experiences in integrating various energy saving tools while acting independently from suppliers of individual solutions.

Our customers include industrial and commercial companies, as well as public administration.

  • Energy outlook
  • Energy management systems / MAR
  • Energy audit
  • Energy assessment
  • ISO 50001 energy management system
  • Low and high voltage
  • Indoor and outdoor lighting
  • Heating and cooling
  • Measurement and control
  • Photovoltaics
  • Cogeneration units
  • Medical technology
  • Compressed air
  • Electromobility
  • Biogas power plants
  • Hydrogen plants
  • Revision and control of tech. devices
  • Technical supervision of the investor
  • EPC/EC
  • Bank and supplier credit
  • Energy purchase
  • Optimization of the consumption process
  • Savings thanks to a change in operating habits


We actively look for interesting innovative projects, products or services with development potential within the EU market, which are in line with energy trends in the third millennium.

We build these innovative projects in individual EU countries in the form of creating sales offices, searching for suitable customers or partners and implementing pilot projects with the aim of verifying the viability of innovations both from the point of view of technical parameters and from the point of view of the business model.

Key areas currently in our focus:


We support interesting startup activities, by developing them with the aim of obtaining a strategic investor, which will enable application on the EU market and long-term development of the main subject of activity.


The energy market is going through major changes and it is now quite clear that it cannot be done without significant innovations or new approaches. There are many good ideas that have this potential, but fail to translate them into a real business. The reasons are usually: absence of input capital or little invention of the owners in terms of ideas in the field of management and operation of the company.

For new approaches, we have a number of services at our disposal, starting with financing and ending with ensuring the operation of such emerging companies in the form of a shared (and therefore faster and more economically advantageous) corporate middle infrastructure (accounting, tax, IT or legal agenda and, last but not least, support in setting up a functional marketing plan and business strategy).

  • We will assess the viability and commercial potential of individual innovations
  • We will help with the financing of the start-up and the creation of the corporate structure necessary for the realization of ideas in a commercial form
  • We will help with the operation and development of companies that are created in this way
  • We will look for suitable strategic investors or partners for long-term development
  • We will help with the integration of new activities into the investor's existing structure

Strategic partner

For companies in the StartUp category with an existing corporate infrastructure, but with a lack of capital or limited access to the market, either un your country or within the EU, we are looking for suitable strategic partners for the development of the company's further business, or we will help with the sale of the company.

A number of existing, usually small companies with a good idea, whether in the form of an interesting product or service, stop after initial growth, and without further impetus, otherwise interesting innovations usually die out, despite the great potential of market penetration.

  • We analyze the viability of the current activity with regard to the possibility of growth when acquiring a strategic partner
  • We will help prepare the company for sale
  • We will actively manage the acquisition process
  • We will help with the integration of new activities into the investor's existing structure


Commercial sector

  • ČEROZFRUCHT s.r.o.
  • ČEZ Energetické služby, s.r.o.
  • DencoHappel CZ a.s.
  • Direct Parcel Distribution CZ s.r.o.
  • ERT Automotive Bohemia s.r.o.
  • GEA Heat Exchangers a.s.
  • GÜHRING s.r.o.
  • HARTMAN Agro s.r.o.
  • INSTAR ITS Ostrava, a.s.
  • Lear Corporation Czech Republic s.r.o.
  • MASO UZENINY PÍSEK, a.s.- Výrobní středisko
  • Mercedes-Benz Česká republika s.r.o.
  • RENARDS dotační, s.r.o.
  • SERW, spol. s r.o.
  • Siemens Mobility, s.r.o.
  • Skanska a.s.
  • voestalpine High Performance Metals CZ s.r.o.
  • Wavin Czechia s.r.o.

Public sector

  • Lesy České republiky, s.p.
  • Město Frýdlant
  • Město Slaný
  • Město Starý Plzenec
  • Městská část Praha 17
  • Městská část Praha 18
  • Ministerstvo spravedlnosti Odbor investic a majetku
  • Obec Adamov
  • Obec Vraňany
  • Obec Zdíkov
  • Sportovní areály města Kladna s.r.o.
  • Technologie hlavního města Prahy, a.s.
  • Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR, v. v. i.

We are members: